Welcome to #1K4EarthDay

Welcome to #1K4EarthDay

March 22, 2020

April 22nd is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We've learnt a lot since 1970, now we need to act.  We're asking you to sign up to one of the commitments below. The 1K in #1K4EarthDay stands for 1,000 which is our target for each commitment. Now more than ever we need causes that unite, connect and inspire us.  We've got under a decade to get to net zero. We can do this!
ParticipaterCommitment 1
Follow, share or like us on social media, @ a friend & ask them to do the same (@terra_neutra)

SwitcherCommitment 2
Switch to a renewable energy supplier like Bulb

Commitment 3
Sign this Friends of the Earth petition

Commitment 4
Offset your carbon footprint




Also in Fighting Talk

Charlotte on a bus shelter
It's Volunteers Week

June 09, 2021

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Our Sustainability

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Eating Sustainably: Recipes & Slow Cooking
Eating Sustainably: Recipes & Slow Cooking

May 07, 2021

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